Our Special Character
Timatanga is an integrated open plan democratic primary school with students from year one to year eight. It is a secular, parent co-operative school, where parents have input into the day to day running of the school.
Timatanga has adapted and applied the educational philosophy of A.S. Neil, John Holt, and New Zealand Playcentre; with the emphasis being on education and learning that is inquiry and discovery based, child centred, and mostly child initiated.
The children, parents and teaching staff are involved in establishing and facilitating natural areas of interest of the individual child to enhance self-management and self-discipline.
The school operates in a village like atmosphere, surrounded by the Timatanga Community, in which learning is a normal, integral and continuing element of life, not something that occurs separate from other elements. As an important part of this, parents, whanau, community members and teachers are all welcome teacher-learners. Regular meetings and coordination through the principal ensure that continuity, connectedness and clear direction is maintained in the school.
The key components of our special character:
- All learning at Timatanga is child centred
- Much learning at Timatanga is child initiated
- We are a secular school
- We are a parent co-operative
- We operate in relationship with Timatanga Community