Our History
The school has been operating for 40 years. At first it was a private “Free School” where the parents had the sole responsibility of funding and teaching their children. Many of these parents at the beginning were trained teachers. The children lived and went to school on the property. There was little separation between home and school.
Since the school’s State Integration in 1989, students now come from many different parts of Auckland, and parents, teachers and children are all teacher-learners contributing to the school. Morning learning activities are teacher-led in response to student interests and needs, but personal choice and creative expression is maximized to keep learning genuine for each child. Afternoons are entirely child-led and typically free play, wilderness play, and “clubs” (regular once a week, for example yoga, “Animal Rights Club”, etc). The school is self-governing through a consensus school meeting one afternoon a week.

Timatanga School was set up to provide a supportive environment for children and parents who were interested in the process of learning for life.
Originally the school was financed and run by a group of professional people who brought their interests and skills to bear to enhance the state school curriculum.
Each child was given the care and understanding so that they would develop their own learning style and progress at a rate in harmony with their own growing confidence.
Students were encouraged to take part in the activities provided, listened to, and given the opportunity to find the way that suited them best.
—Gerry Reid, Founding member of Timatanga Community and School